The Station Dinner Theatre
4940 Peach Street
Erie, Pa 16509
Email: stationboxoffice@aol.com
Website: www.canterburyfeast.com

The Station Dinner Theatre

The Station Dinner Theatre

A Ghost of A Chance

The Station Dinner Theatre
In 1967 a group of Erie Businessmen decided to build a restaurant, which would recapture the spirit of this bygone era. After two years of planning and a year-and-a-half of construction, the result was the Station Restaurant. Rich Victorian furnishings, elegant table settings, hearty food, and a Pullman Sleeping Car have been coordinated to recreate a busy small town railroad station of the 1890’s.
In 2003, The Station Restaurant was the converted into a Dinner Theatre by Paul and Rae Jean Urbanowicz. The main dining room was expanded and remodeled to provide tiered seating. A stage was built, and lighting and sound system installed to provide the best possible sound and atmosphere for our patrons. In it’s entirety, The Station Dinner Theatre represents a nostalgic step backward into an era of charm and beauty that has long since disappeared.
The Erie Station Dinner Theatre operates year-round and is the home of the original “A Canterbury Feast”, the longest running medieval dinner theatre in the United States. Along with it’s many original themed musical comedies, the Station Season also includes a variety of comedies, farces and musical reviews combined with delicious cuisine add up to the region’s BEST Dining and entertainment value!
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